Friday, November 13, 2009

It's a boy!

I hate the saying "its a ..." cuz baby is not an IT! Anyways, we are proud to announce that Baby Jayden will be gracing us with his presence the first part of April! I am beyond excited to start shopping and decorating! I have decided to decorate first, then shop! I purchased material for a quilt, which my mother in law is sewing, and my mom and I are going to make bumpers. I currently painted his oak dresser espresso color to match the crib and twin bed. I searched high and low for blue crystal knobs. Target is my hero... they had exactly what i was looking for, but they failed me and only had 3... so on to more targets I go. I am trying to decided if i want to get a big "J" paint it to match and hang it in his room or little letters that spell out "JAYDEN"... suggestions? I also am trying to find a creative chic way to put a mirror about the dresser (that we are turning into a changing table) so Jayden can see himself... nothing cuter than watching a baby discover themselves! Ideas on that? I also am going to have to get new bedding for the twin bed since it has a shabby chic flower quilt on it currently. Being the colors are Brown and Teal with an accent of beige... ill prob get a plain brown comforter and make a few pillows in teal and beige!


Kimmy said...

YAY baby boys are so cute and fun! I am so happy for you both! I bet it is so fun now getting to decorate for him and call him by his name! Can't wait to see pics when it is all done!